I love meeting new people, putting myself in their shoes and documenting what their lives are like. I’m a photojournalist at INDY Week and a visual storyteller based in Raleigh, N.C. Before working at INDY, I completed my photo fellowship with the Tampa Bay Times. I’m a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill with a degree in media and journalism. My love of photojournalism led me to join the photojournalism staff at The Daily Tar Heel, where I became photo editor my sophomore year. After completing my editorship, I co-founded a chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists at UNC-Chapel Hill. My work has been seen at INDY Week, Tampa Bay Times, the Raleigh News & Observer, The Daily Tar Heel, The Associated Press, Enlace Latino NC, and NPR.
Contact me at photo@angelicaedwards.com
Follow me on instagram @angelica_edwards2